Plant Shop


Our Story


Hello, I am Leeza,
The founder of peaceful plants, this all started with lockdown where one of our business ventures failed and led me to spiral into depression. Plants helped me cope, I’m sure there are many of us who would agree with this.

This past year I have learned a lot and killed a lot of plants, but with all the knowledge gained I have now grown myself a collection of more than 300 aroids from around the world. I not only have plants grown in the uk but from around the world.

This huge collection has now led me here, where I can share some of them with you and hope you will help me grow the species not available in UK. Lets grow the flora of the UK into a vast range of plants.

I promise to continue my passion and help the plant community, you, to find those obscure plants from around the world that you may have found on Instagram or Google. Your support makes all this possible.

Thank you and I hope you will support my small business. I look forward to helping you find that wish-list plant.

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